The Rate of Income Taxes Mergers of the Domestic and Foreign Enterprise, Market Competition and the Government's Decision in Privatization of State-owned Enterprise 内、外资企业所得税率统一、市场竞争与政府的国有企业民营化决策
Whether Yao finally takes a summer off from international competition will not be his decision. 姚是否能从国际赛中解脱出来从而得到一个暑假,这并不取决于他自己。
Putin, who had complained of unscrupulous competition in the contest, said the decision showed much about Russia's economic and political stability. 普京之前曾抱怨竞逐中存在不正当竞争,说该决定表明了国际足联对俄罗斯经济和政治稳定的极大肯定。
The Decrease of FDI Non-tax Cost, Oligopoly Competition and the Government's Decision in Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises FDI非税收成本下降、寡头竞争与政府的国有企业民营化决策
In the current economic integration and fierce competition market economic environment, forecasting and decision making is everywhere. 在当今经济一体化和竞争激烈的市场经济环境下,预测无处不在。
The European Competition Commission says it "envisages issuing a decision finding that the series of agreements signed have been in breach" of competition laws, and would order the "infringements" ended. 欧洲竞争委员会表示,它“考虑做出一项决定,判定已签署的一系列协议均已违反”竞争法,并将命令终止这些“违法行为”。
To implement the system, government should set up an open administrative decision atmosphere, as well as legalized. Only in this way can the supervision of competition system in administrative decision be strengthened. 为使这一竞争机制顺利实施,政府需要设计一个开放的行政决策系统和法制化的决策环境,强化对行政决策竞争机制的监督。
Forest fire suppression intelligent decision and support system based on resource competition decision 基于资源竞争决策的森林火灾扑救智能决策支持系统
In the "competence-based" competition, the interest center of strategic decision in the strategic technology management should transfer from technology portfolio to portfolio of technological core competence. 在基于核心能力的竞争中,企业的技术战略决策的利益中心将从技术投资组合向核心能力投资组合转移。
In the currently environment of fury market competition, how to utilize intelligence decision support system ( IDSS) to serve for quality management, and put forward a model the intelligence quality decision support system ( IQDSS) are discussed. 论述了在当前激烈的市场竞争的环境下,利用智能决策支持系统(IDSS)为质量管理服务,并提出了智能质量决策支持系统(IQDSS)模型;
To meet the competition and challenge in 21 Century, the strategic decision of quality education is being carried out in the Chinese elementary education. 为迎接21世纪的竞争和挑战,我国的基础教育正在实施素质教育的战略决策。
On the background of the planned economy and the market economy, the views of value, competition, policy decision, benefit in physical education were compared. 本文围绕计划经济和市场经济条件下体育的价值观、竞争观、决策观和效益观进行了比较研究。
This paper indicated how the distributed workflow system provide the following 6 abilities: strategy executive, real-time communication, business collaboration, agility competition, intelligent decision making and standardization/ opening. 这就要求企业的信息系统具备6项核心能力:战略执行能力,实时通讯能力,商务协同能力,敏捷竞争能力,智能决策能力,标准化和开放性能力。
Product Quality Competition and Enterprisers 'Decision under Multidimensional Model 双寡头模型下的产品质量竞争与厂商决策
The enterprises 'strategy of Experience Marketing closely relates to their external conditions ( channel, market and competition), internal capabilities, the nature of decision information and the decision-maker's value orientation. 企业体验营销战略与企业所面临的外部环境(渠道、市场、竞争)、内部能力、决策信息的性质及决策者的价值取向密切相关。
Advertisement competition decision making analysis for double oligarchies monopolization market 双寡头垄断市场下的企业广告竞争分析
The market's competition makes decision to the cost competition among the enterprises. 市场的竞争归根结底是企业成本的竞争。
Included the background of BI, introduce the value of BI in the management, competition and decision support. 包括了对业务智能进行了定义、介绍业务智能产生的背景以及业务智能在管理、竞争、辅助决策方面的价值。
When foreign scholars study MA, they usually suppose that the market is perfect competition, and companies make their decision without the interference of non-market factors. 国外学者所分析企业购并时,通常假设市场完全竞争,企业的决策不受非市场因素的干扰。
The corporate governance system, as one of the basis of modern publishing enterprise system, holds great work for the cultivation of core competition capability and social decision mechanism in an aim to help publishing group become the first-scale enterprise in the international publishing circle. 公司治理体系作为现代出版企业制度的基石之一,是我国出版集团培育核心竞争力和增强科学决策机制运行效能,从而实现做大做强目标成为国际一流出版企业的重要前提。
Chapter four adds FDI competition, and it discusses government decision on privatization of state-owned enterprises when facing non-tax cost decrease. 第四章引入FDI,探讨了其面对的非税收成本下降时,对政府的国有企业民营化决策的影响。
A system model with three types of cells is used in cellular networks and cooperation rules are made for all cells, which can simplify the collaborations between cells, and solve the competition between cells in the decision stage of cell zooming period. 此外,设计了一种三类型小区系统模型,该模型可简化基站间的协作,解决小区缩放决策阶段所存在的小区竞争问题。
As an important outside factor, Product Market Competition affects the capital structure decision. 产品市场竞争作为一个重要的外部环境因素,影响着企业的资本结构决策。
Between enterprises in the development of increasing competition, in which a decision under the premise of real estate marketing business survival, the key factor. 与此同时,房地产开发企业之间的竞争也日益加剧,在此背景下房地产营销成为决定相关企业成败的关键因素。
Under the conditions that the suppliers 'decision order is exogenous or endogenous, it explores the equilibrium of outsourcing service competition and illustrates the impact of decision order differentia on the equilibrium. 探讨决策时序外生给定和决策时序内生给定两种情形下,供应商决策时序差异对外包服务竞争均衡的影响。
For a long time, the study on firms 'product-market competition and capital structure decision are separated in two areas of industrial organization theory and corporate finance theory. 人们对企业产品市场竞争和资本结构的研究相当长时间内是在两个独立的领域内分别进行的,即产业组织理论和公司金融理论领域。
Along with more competition nowadays, correct and prompt decision is an important factor for the survival and development of corporations under complicated dynamic market circumstances. 在当今激烈的竞争和复杂的动态市场环境下,正确及时的决策是企业生存和发展的重要环节。
In the fierce market competition, the company plans to take whatever competition strategy to win competitive advantage, The strategic decision making problems are brought forward to managers. 在激烈的市场角逐中,公司拟采取何种竞争策略来赢得竞争优势,这一战略性决策问题摆在了管理者面前。
Today leading by the buyers 'market-oriented of purchase activities, customers use their pocketbook to vote to the competition power of the retail enterprises. Their decision directly influence the rise and fall of the enterprises. 在以买方市场为主导进行购买活动的今天,顾客用自己的钱袋对零售企业竞争水平的高低进行投票,顾客的决定直接影响着企业的兴衰。
By means of numerical simulation example, studies the features of quality competition results. ( 4) Advertising optimization decision and advertising competitive decision. 广告优化决策与广告竞争决策研究。